
12 Unexpected Items in Your Home That Attract Pests

Unexpected Items in Your Home That Attract Pests

Pests have become a nuisance in every household. Whether it is in urban or rural areas, pests can infest rapidly and can cause great trouble. From damaging property to causing deadly diseases, pests are the most unwanted guests that no one wants to see.


But have you ever wondered how pests infest your house again and again? It is because there are tons of items in your house that attract pests. Now you will be ready with your reply that “I ensure that there are no food scraps or unleashed trash bins in the house,” but the reality is that pests are attracted towards less obvious items within our homes.


To get permanent relief from pest issues, it is vital to focus on the items that invite pests to your home. Whether it is cockroaches, termites, spiders, locusts, rats, or any other pest, professional pest control services help you get rid of them quickly.


Here are the 12 unexpected items in our home that are the leading cause of pest infestations:


1. Cardboard Boxes

A lot of people feel that cardboard boxes are harmless, and they keep them in their houses as they are quite convenient for storage. Cardboard boxes appeal to pests like cockroaches, termites, and silverfish, as cardboard is organic and cellulose-rich, making it an ideal food source. If you store cardboard boxes in damp or dark places, like basements or garages, which most people do, cardboard can also trap moisture, leading to more pest issues.


To prevent pest issues, you can replace cardboard boxes with plastic bins and keep the storage areas well-lit and ventilated. Most people keep the boxes and forget about them, which is absolutely wrong as you should regularly inspect stored items for signs of pests.


2. Houseplants

Almost every house has plants, and plants play a key role in the overall aesthetics of the house. Plants can attract pests due to the moist soil and organic matter around the roots. Overwatered plants lead to fungus, spiders, and other pests that can feed on the plants themselves. If left unchecked, these pests can slowly spread to other parts of the home.


Plants help in air purification, so you should keep them in your house. However, you should also ensure that plants are not overwatered. You should also inspect leaves, stems, and soil regularly to notice any signs of pest activity. If you notice any pest infestations, you can use natural repellents like neem oil to prevent further infestations.

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3. Pet Food Bowls and Treats

In India, there are 25 million households that own a pet, and it is obvious that those houses will have pet food bowls and treats. Pet food left out overnight is a grand invitation for pests like ants, rodents, and cockroaches. Not just leftover food, unopened bags of pet food stored in the kitchen or pantry can also lead to pest infestations.


To avoid such scenarios, make sure you feed pets at specific times and remove food bowls when they finish eating. Also, store pet food in sealed containers and clean food and water bowls regularly to avoid any infestation.


4. Paper Clutter

Every household is filled with tons of paper clutter, and although it might look harmless, pests like silverfish, cockroaches, and termites love paper. It is time to say goodbye to unneeded newspapers, magazines, and other types of papers. You can recycle old newspapers to prevent pest infestation. Sometimes, pests can destroy important documents, so make sure you keep your vital documents in sealed containers.


5. Unused Furniture

We all have an emotional connection with our belongings, especially with our furniture, as we have spent a lot of time with it, and it is pretty expensive as well. So, it is common to find unused furniture in our house, and it provides excellent hiding spots for pests.


If you want to keep unused furniture, then make sure you cover it with protective plastic sheets. Also, vacuum and clean furniture in a timely manner to avoid pest infestation. Sometimes, the furniture can have pest activity before you have bought it, so thoroughly check it before bringing it to your home.


6. Laundry Piles

Laundry piles, especially those with sweaty or food-stained clothes, can attract pests looking for warmth and sustenance. Rodents and insects like cockroaches can hide in the folds of unwashed laundry. Avoid letting dirty laundry accumulate for too long, and wash clothes timely.


7. Candle Wax and Fragrances

Fragrances are essential in everyone’s life, and if you have a fruity or sugary fragrance, then it can attract pests like flies, ants, and even bees. Candle wax can also leave a sticky residue that draws insects. To ensure that candles don’t create pest chaos and you don’t have to look for pest control near me, it is critical to store scented candles in airtight containers when they are not in use.

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8. Leaky Pipes and Faucets

We all procrastinate when it comes to fixing leaky pipes and faucets because we believe there is nothing wrong with it. In fact, pests like cockroaches, silverfish, and even mosquitoes rely on water to survive. Leaky pipes and faucets provide the perfect moist environment for pests to breed and hide.


If you want to avoid pest breeding, fix any leaks in pipes and faucets. You must also regularly check under sinks and behind appliances for signs of leaks.


9. Stored Food in Unsealed Packaging

When it comes to storing food, we are quite careless as we rarely seal food packets. Many pests, such as ants and moths, can easily infiltrate unsealed food packages and infect the food.


Make sure you use airtight containers to store food and regularly check pantry shelves for crumbs, spills, or pest activity. You can also use home remedies like bay leaves or cloves in pantry corners to repel pests naturally.


10. Trash Cans Without Lids

Trash cans with food waste or organic matter emit strong odours that attract pests like flies, ants, and rodents. Without lids, these pests can easily access the contents and even breed inside the trash.


You can use trash cans with tight-fitting lids and empty trash bins frequently to prevent pests from breeding and spreading.


11. Electronic Devices and Appliances

While it might come as a shock, the warmth from electronic devices and appliances like refrigerators, microwaves, and routers provides an ideal environment for pests. Cockroaches, one of the most common pests, usually hide in such areas.


Clean behind and underneath appliances regularly and avoid clutter around electronic devices to reduce hiding spots.


12. Shoes and Bags

Shoes and bags left on the floor can attract spiders, ants, and even bed bugs. These items often go unnoticed during cleaning, allowing pests to hide and breed. There are a lot of sneakerheads, and managing tons of shoes is quite tough.


If you want to avoid pests in your home, store your shoes off the ground and keep them in shoe racks.



We all know why pest control is important as it helps permanently eliminate pests, and you can avoid extensive pest infestation by addressing the above unexpected items. Preventing pests is no rocket science, all you need to do is take simple preventive measures, and your house will be pest-free.

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