
A Guide to Know the Unbelievable Health Benefits of Cake!!!

health benefits of cake

Everything that glitters is not Gold, and in the same manner, many people think if something tastes so good, it cannot be healthy. Well, this is not entirely true. It ultimately depends on how you observe it. The cake is one of the most fantastic food, full of flavors, tastes, and magic. In the earlier times, the cake has been counted as one of the unhealthy foods because it was full of fats, calories, and sugar. But saying a cake is a “junk food” is not right at all. There are many unbelievable health benefits of Cakes. Here I present some important facts and figures that will surely change your perspective and make you a hardcore fan of cake. Kindly check all the points and know the advantages of eating a Cake:

It’s beneficial for your mental health

Eating a Cake can be relaxing and beneficial for your mental health. In a research done by the University of Michigan, Doctor Adam Drewnowski commented amazing effects of chocolates on the human body. He added that when we consume chocolate, we release and experience pleasure, which is why we end up craving it. It acts as a natural pain killer and helps in reducing stress, anxiety and sometimes very helpful in depression.

Gives you Sufficient Energy

Cakes have plenty of carbohydrates, and it is scientifically proved that carbohydrates are the primary source of energy. And when we consume the cake, carbohydrates get converted into glucose to give us power. A chocolate cake can keep you going and get you through a hectic day. For a quick boost, you can also try Vanilla cake, Cheesecake, etc.

Great source of Calcium and Protein

The cake is prepared with the help of milk and eggs. And milk and eggs are the primary sources of calcium and protein, and these essential ingredients are also necessary for improving the functionality of bones and teeth. And fats usually present in sweet treats, which means that a slice of cake can offer energy to muscles, brain, and nervous system.

Helps in your Digestion

Eating a cake can improve your digestive problem. Cakes have essential ingredients in them, and those ingredients help you improve your health. Some of the most popular cakes have pineapples, berries, apples, strawberries. All these fruits are rich in fiber. Fruitcakes are an excellent choice for your fiber intake. Choose your cake wisely and enjoy having it with your family and friends.

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Help you lose your weight

Cakes can also be used to lose weight. As per a study conducted, eating a cake helps the dieters lose weight. Eating a cake in the morning that has 600-calorie can be a balanced breakfast for you. And metabolism is faster in the early so having a slice of cake in the morning can be way beneficial for you.

Types of Cakes Available in the market along with their Compositions:

It is tough to find someone who does not love cake, and it is like searching for a needle in a bundle of hay. We all have our favorite cakes. It can be a Chocolate cake, a Vanilla, and for some, it can be a stylish, stunning, and fully customized Fondant cake. Everyone has their taste and love for cake. There are two kinds of cake like Butter and Foam. But the main difference between these two categories is the presence of fats and sugar in them. Here I have presented some fantastic and luscious cakes with their fat and calories. Kindly go through it and have them:

Yellow Butter Cake

Yellow Butter Cake
Yellow butter cakes involve creaming the butter and sugar together, then adding the dry and wet ingredients.
Amount per serving:

  1. Fat = 43.8 g
  2. Calorie = 587.6
  3. Carbohydrate = 43.9 g
  4. Protein = 6.1 g
  5. Fibre =0.6 g
  6. Sugar = 25.3 g

Pound Cake

Pound Cake

The cake is made with main ingredients like flour, butter, and sugar. The cake does not rise much, and its texture is very dense.
Amount per serving:

  1. Fats = 8.7 g
  2. Calorie = 222.1
  3. Carbohydrate = 33.1 g
  4. Protein = 3.4 g
  5. Fibre = 0.1 g
  6. Sugar = 20.6 g

Red Velvet Cake

Red Velvet Cake

This cake is my favorite cake, especially in the South. The cake is made with butter, and the red velvet colors come from a mixture of buttermilk and cocoa powder.
Amount per serving:

  1. Fats = 0.0 g
  2. Calorie = 300
  3. Carbohydrate = 0.0 g
  4. Protein = 0.0 g
  5. Fibre = 0.0 g
  6. Sugar = 0.0 g

Carrot Cake

carrot cake

The carrot cake uses oil as its central fat instead of butter. Additional grated carrots make the cake extra moist and soft. Carrot cake is flavored with warm spices and frosted with a rich cream.
Amount per serving:

  1. Fats= 0.8 g
  2. Calorie= 94.0
  3. Carbohydrate= 20.6 g
  4. Protein= 1.0 g
  5. Fibre= 0.7 g
  6. Sugar = 14.7 g

Sponge Cake

sponge cake

Sponge cake is a foam-style cake, having no artificial leaveners( baking soda/ powder). It is made with whipped eggs and soaked well in flavored syrup.
Amount per serving:

  1. Fats = 7.5 g
  2. Calorie = 320
  3. Carbohydrate = 70.0 mg
  4. Protein = 7.3 g
  5. Fibre = 0.0 g
  6. Sugar = 30.0 g
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Genoise cake

genoise cake

Genoise cake is made by mixing egg yolks, whites, and sugar. These ingredients are mixed until mousse-like. Later four and butter are folded in, and the cake is moister.
Amount per serving:

  1. Fats =10.8 g
  2. Calorie =202.9 g
  3. Carbohydrate = 24.3 g
  4. Protein = 4.3 g
  5. Fibre = 1.3 g
  6. Sugar = 16.8 g

Chiffon cake

chiffon cake

Chiffon cake is a mixture of a sponge and oil cake, and additional oil makes it similar to shortened cake. Also, egg whites and baking powder make it light.
Amount per serving:

  1. Fats = 13.4 g
  2. Calorie = 230.1
  3. Carbohydrate = 23.8 g
  4. Protein = 5.6 g
  5. Fibre = 1.7 g
  6. Sugar = 12.3 g

Fourless Cake

flourless cake

This category includes both baked (think cheesecake ) or unbaked cheesecakes) varieties.
Amount per serving:

  1. Fats = 12.5 g
  2. Calorie =194.6
  3. Carbohydrate = 21.0 g
  4. Protein = 3.0 g
  5. Fibre = 1.8 g
  6. Sugar = 18.1 g

Devil’s Food Cake

devils food cake

This cake is made “devilish” by the addition of chocolate in the form of cocoa powder. And extra baking soda causes the crumb to give it a light and airy texture.
Amount per serving:

  1. Fats =34.9 g
  2. Calorie = 674.4
  3. Carbohydrate = 0.0 g
  4. Protein = 9.3 g
  5. Fibre = 0.0 g
  6. Sugar =0.0 g

Fruit Cake

fruit cake

Fruit cake is garnished with dry fruits, nuts, and spices. Once the cake is baked, it is wrapped and soaked in a spirit like brandy.
Amount per serving:

  1. Fats = 4.3 g
  2. Calorie = 360.0
  3. Carbohydrate = 59.9 g
  4. Protein = 4.3 g
  5. Fibre = 0.0 g
  6. Sugar = 46.5 g

Final Thoughts

Excess of everything can be dangerous to health, so eating the cakes in an unlimited amount might not help you improve your health. You might gain excess weight, and that will become a problem for you. So it is advisable to all of you readers that “eat healthily, in a healthy amount to be healthy.” I am not saying that you do not eat your favorite cake, enjoy having it. But before that, you must be aware of what food you are consuming and in what amount. There are plenty of bakery websites where you will get a wide range of cakes full of flavors and pleasing shapes. You can also visit SurfIndia, a directory portal that offers you the ultimate Bakeries services to all cake lovers. Explore the website, and you will be amazed by different kinds of cakes.

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