
How to Dry Clean Clothes at Home

How To Dry Clean Clothes At Home

With the pandemic of COVID-19 hitting the country for more than a year, the life of human beings has come to a halt. Services which made our lives easy (just like dry cleaner services) are more on a risky end as there is a great fear of getting infected by the contagious coronavirus. It has become extremely hard for us to send our beloved “dry clean only” clothes to the nearby dry clean store. So, we often look out for several ways to clean such clothes at home with our own hands rather than sending them out to the drycleaners. With great suggestions and methods available for dry cleaning clothes home, you are on a safer side as your expensive and favourite “dry clean only” clothes will stay intact and there is no risk of welcoming the deadly virus at home after a dry-clean visit.

What is dry cleaning at home?

Dry cleaning is a method of cleaning clothes with the help of chemical solvents such as tetrachloroethylene or perchloroethylene rather than detergent and water. But, when dry cleaning is performed at home, we don’t use such chemicals and prefer choosing a method like hand washing to clean the delicate “dry clean only” clothes. Clothes that are meant for dry clean only are delicate in nature and are often made of silk, cashmere, lace, wool, synthetics, etc. Hand washing process increases the durability of delicate clothes preserving their detailing and fibers.

How to wash “dry clean only” clothes at home?

There are two ways by which you can wash your delicate and expensive clothes while keeping them in shape and texture – Hand wash and machine wash. However, the initial one is undoubtedly the first preference of the people than the second one.

Hand Washing

Hand Washing

  • Take a tub filled with water. (Make sure you have cleaned it before adding water to it)
  • Selection of a detergent is essential when you have to wash “dry clean” clothes at home.
  • Regular detergent – Cotton, Linen, and durable synthetics
  • pH neutral detergent – Wool and Cashmere
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  • To remove stains for dry clean clothes, you should use a stain remover solution and a stain brush.
  • Sort clothes on the basis of their fabrics such as –
  • Silk and synthetics
  • Cashmere and wool
  • Leather and suits

Machine Washing

Machine Washing

If you are using a washing machine to wash such clothes, then use the right detergent (mild or plant-based) and cool water. Keep your clothes in a mesh bag to save them from sagging.

Methods to Wash “Dry-clean only” Clothes at Home

Here are some amazing techniques and methods to wash and clean different types of dry clean clothes at home:


1. Silk and Delicate Items:

The general method of cleaning silk items is to first treat them with stain removers and then soaking them in cool water for nearly about half an hour. Add mild detergent powder or liquid in a tub and put your silk clothes in it. Let them sit in this water for about half an hour and wash with cold water. Don’t wring your silks and softly press to remove water.

If you are washing silk and delicate items in a washing machine, then keep them in a mesh bag first. Opt for gentle wash and keep the temperature of water cool and the spinner on a low working mode.


2. Cashmere and Wool:

As wool and cashmere are made from natural fibres, they certainly need special care while washing them at home. Wool and cashmere shampoos are available in the market to wash such items at home. Ensure that these shampoos are pH neutral and gentle in nature. Such liquids are specially made to maintain the softness of these fabrics while maintaining their shine and texture.

Hanger them for drying after washing and never use iron on them as it can lead to change in their size.


3. Suede items:

The fabric of suede is difficult to be washed at home as it requires next level care. Steaming is the ideal method to clean and remove wrinkles from suede dresses. Avoid ironing suede items as they can crush or flatten the nap. You can remove bad odor from it by simply sprinkling fabric freshener on it.


4. Leather items:

The method of cleaning leather items is similar to suede. You should avoid washing leather made items that have labels of “not washable” or “dry clean only” on them. If a leather items is washable, then you can test it by doing a patch test with a white, lint-free cloth. If there is any discoloration or spots, then drop the idea of washing it. If the patch test is successful and there are no spots on the leather, you can go ahead with the washing.

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If you are hand washing leather items, then fill a tub with delicate wash and soak the leather items in it for 30 minutes. Wash and drain our water with soft hands without wringing.

If you are using washing machine, then it is better to switch to the gentle mode of the machine and using a mild detergent and cold water. Keep the spinner to low speed. Turn the clothes to inside out and put it in the machine. Hang to dry.


5. Suits and blazers:

It is not advisable to wash blazers and suits at home. You can keep them fresh and fragrant by spraying it with body deodorants. You can also keep them outside in fresh air away from sunlight to kill any germs on it.


6. Coats:

Put a stain solution on stains to remove them. If there is any bad odor of smoke or mildew, then soak them in a solution of scented vinegar and cold water for 30 minutes. Now place detachable pieces of washable faux fur lining and hoods inside the mesh bag for protection. Turn your coat inside out and put it in the washing machine. Put your machine on gentle mode and wash with delicate detergent.


So, if you are really searching for dry cleaners in Delhi and NCR for your dry cleaning job, then you can certainly save your money and time and also maintain safety by following these methods of dry cleaning at home. Don’t worry, your expensive and delicate clothes with ‘dry clean only’ tags will remain absolutely safe from any harm when you follow these tips.

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