
How To Maintain The Quality Of Garments at Home!!!

how to maintain the quality of garments at home

It might be possible that you occasionally snag your jeans on something sharp or spill the tea on your favorite blouse; the most common reason you cannot keep clothes looking new is that you are washing them incorrectly. And the best way to keep your clothes in perfect shape after repeated use is via proper maintenance. Many say dry-cleaning is the best way to maintain the quality of clothes. Dry cleaning is the process of cleaning clothes without using water. In this process, an organic chemical solvent is used to clean the apparel, and it helps in removing the tough stains from the clothes and gives the clothes a new shine. Still, we cannot ignore the fact that dry cleaning is an expensive process . But no doubt, cleaning at home has its own added advantage and is a cost-effective method .So, here I present you with some best tips and hacks to maintain the quality of clothes at your home.


1. Cotton Cloths


Washing Properly

Washing Properly

Whenever you buy clothes, there is always an instruction on the tag that tells you how to wash the item appropriately. Always check and follow the instruction if there are any Some best and important laundering tips that can help your clothes be in great shape are:

1. Choose the Right Detergent

2. Use Cold Water

3. Turn the dark garment inside-out garment and then wash it.

4. Invest in a drying rack so that washed clothes can quickly dry in the sun.

5. Use color-safe fabric wash not to damage or stain your clothes.


Ironing With Care

Ironing With Care

We all can go for laundry service, and all our clothes pressed to perfection. But the amount we spend monthly on dry cleaning can come as a shock. So, if you take some time to iron your clothes at your home, it can be an affordable and hassle-free solution. Choose the best quality Iron and press your clothes with utmost care and safety.


2. Acrylic Cloths

Acrylic Cloths

You can find acrylic fabric in everything from sweaters to socks to children’s pajamas. Famous for decades because of their durability and easy care, acrylic fibers are also used prominently in blankets, upholstery, and luggage. Check the washing process mentioned below:

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1. Before washing the garments, check the fabric care label

2. If it mentions machine-wash, follow these steps, or else hand-wash your acrylic clothes. Add 1 tbsp of vinegar in a half bucket of lukewarm water.

3. Drop your acrylic clothes in the bucket and wait for 15 minutes.

4. Place your clothes in a mesh bag, as the bag will protect your acrylic clothes from getting tangled with other clothes.

5. Now set the machine on a gentle cycle and use cold or lukewarm water while washing your acrylic or woolen clothes.

6. You can run your acrylic clothes through the dry-cycle on a low-temperature setting.


3. Wollen Clothes

Wollen Clothes

When it comes time to wash your woolen clothing, step away from the washing machine; too much agitation, harsh soaps, or too high of heat can transform your soft woolen clothes into rough, uncomfortable garments. Instead, follow these steps:

1. Add some mild detergent to clean, lukewarm water.

2. Turn your garment inside out and gently swish it around in the water for about a minute.

3. Let the clothing sit and soak in the water for about 10 minutes

4. Remove the garment and empty your vessel of soapy water

5.Fill your vessel back up with clean, lukewarm water and swish the clothing around again to wash out any remaining soap

6. Lay flat to dry; it will prevent them from stretching.


4. Leather Jacket

Leather Jacket

Like genuine leather, artificial leather jackets for men can be smooth, shiny, and smooth. Some kinds of artificial leather dry out and get crack easily, while others are rugged. Some synthetic leathers are machine washable, and most varieties are at least as delicate as natural leather. Check the item’s label if it has one; if it doesn’t, play it safe, and only use cleaners designed for leather or synthetic leather. Follow some steps:

1. Brush loose dirt off the item using a suede brush, remove as much dirt as possible, and then wipe the item with a dry cloth.

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2. Dilute 1 teaspoon of mild leather shampoo in 2 cups of water and immerse the cloth in the soapy liquid, then squeeze it out thoroughly, damp but not dripping.

3. Allow the Jacket to air dry completely. Please do not leave the leather in the sun or dry it with heat, damaging the artificial leather.

4. Apply a protective gel or leather conditioner to the item to prevent it from drying out or cracking.


Check Out Some Pro Tips:

Bleaching your whites makes them bright and beautiful, but it significantly decreases the life of the garment. So use it carefully.If you have a stinky load, add a cup of vinegar to the water. And if there are lingering smells in the dryer, soak a hand towel in vinegar and dry at low temperature. Check your pockets as objects will explode when put in the dryer. You can lose an entire load of laundry this way.

1. Zip up your zippers as it prevents the zippers from tearing up the rest of the load.

2. Colder water is always safe, as compared to warmer water.

3. Wash whites and light colors separately from bright or dark colors in warm or hot water.

4. Remove clothing promptly from the dryer while it is still warm to counter wrinkles.

5. Never squeeze your garment too hard as it may loosen up the fibers.



If you are a working person and do not want to wash your laundry yourself, then SurfIndia is here to help you out. It has enlisted many dry cleaning service providers near you on it. All the listed service providers ensure your clothing gets treated with utmost care schedule your service today. You can have professionally cleaned clothing without having to travel to the facility yourself.


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