
Top Signs You Have a Pest Infestation (And What to Do Next)

Top Signs You Have a Pest Infestation (And What to Do Next)

Your house is under great threat if you are not taking proper action to control the pest infestation that is slowly eating the structure of your house. These unwanted guests enter your house, start multiplying quickly, and start causing major structural and health damage.


However, early detection of pest infestation can help you to get rid of them at an early stage before they take over your place. Early detection of insect infestation will help you save money and improve your health. The primary step for early detection is noticing the signs of pest infestation so that you can take prompt action to prevent pests from settling down and disturbing your livelihood.


In this blog, we will discuss the top signs of pest infestation that are commonly found in houses so that you can take steps to get effectively rid of them.


What are the signs of pest Infestation?

It is important to note that different types of pests, such as cockroaches, rats, rodents, ants, and others, have different signs that represent their existence in that particular area.


Identification of these signs of pest infestation is very important to ensure a safe and healthy environment for your family members and pets. Let’s look at some of the common signs of infestation of insects and other pests in your house and some effective ways to get rid of them.


Auditory Signs

If you notice strange sounds at night in the house, then it is just that your unwelcoming guests are making themselves comfortable in your house. If you notice scratching sounds, it’s probably because pests like insects and rats hide in the walls and cracks. You can hear these sounds louder during night-time because either they are feeding or breeding in the area.

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Moreover, other sounds, such as chirping or squeaking noises, are also signs of infestation becoming worse over time. These sounds create a lot of disturbance, disturb your sleep, and can lead to mental stress.


Right after you notice these signs, look out for nesting and access location. If you want to effectively solve this problem at an early stage, you can get in touch with professional near pest control services.


Visual Signs

Most of the professionals suggest that visual signs are mostly open and can be easily noticed by house owners. Sighting the dead or alive pest is one of the most common pests. Moreover, if you notice any insect droppings, it means they have already settled in your house. Different insects have different droppings, such as termites and cockroaches, which have small and dark-colored droppings that can help you to recognize the pest infestation.


Additionally, unusual gnaw marks on food packaging, electric cables, plastic, and wood also indicate the presence of pests in your house. These signs are to be considered seriously, and pests can damage your electric wiring and structures.


If you notice any pest’s nests or burrows, then it can be a case of severe infestation. You can find these nests in darker and isolated places at your house, such as attics, garages, basements, and others. Types of pests like ants and termites can build tunnels through your walls and can cause significant damage; if you notice any of these signs, take preventive measures as soon as possible.


Unusual pet behaviour

If you notice any unusual behaviour in your pets, pests might be one of the reasons. Check whether your dogs or cats are itching, licking, scratching, or biting them more than usual; skin-related problems might infect them due to the presence of specific pests like fleas, ticks, or mites in your house.

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Dogs are also considered to have extra sense when it comes to the presence of pests around them. Monitoring your pet’s behaviour regularly is important. If you notice anything strange, take immediate action before pests spread throughout your home.


Odour signs

Bad odour in your house is one of the alarming signs of an infestation, alerting you that your unwelcomed guests are here. An offensive or musty sign for a longer period is the most common sign of pest infestation. These odours are due to decomposing debris, rodent excretion, or even the scent glands of different types of pests.


Not only bad odours but also pleasant smells indicate pest infestation. For instance, the pests you can find in your house, such as ants and bedbugs, attract one another to food sources by releasing pheromones that create a pleasant smell. If these smell indicators are left unnoticed for a longer period, then it can lead to extensive pest infestation.


How to avoid pests at home?

The primary thing that you should do if you notice any of the signs of pest infestation mentioned above is to call for nearby pest control service providers. A well-trained pest professional will ensure the safe removal of pest infestation from your house. They will also control the damages and prevent future pest infestations.


You can find the best near pest control Service Companies either on the internet, social media, or through directories such as SurfIndia. Before hiring, ensure that the company is legitimate and uses human and pet-friendly products for effective pest infestation.



Having a basic knowledge of the signs of pest infestation can help you to relocate pests in your house. After, you can take the necessary preventive measures, such as hiring the right pest control company to ensure safe and secure surroundings for loved ones.


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