According to Income Tax Act, 1961 income under this head is defined as the income earned by assessee as a profit or gain in his business or profession. Income under this head must follow these conditions:
- - There must be a business/ profession
- - Business/ profession is being carried by assessee
- - Business/ profession have been carried out by assessee in assessment year for which income tax is filling
What Income Comes Under Head of Profit in Business
- - Profits and gains of assessee from any business or profession during assessment year
- - Any payment or compensation due or received by a person for his services to organization as a part of his business
- - Making profit in trade Income of professional or organization against services provided by that professional/ organization
- - Profits on sale of a license granted under the Imports (Control) Order, 1955, (EXIM control Act, 1947)
- - Cash received or due by any person against exports under government schemes
- - Any benefit whether it is not in cash coming from business/ profession
- - Any profit, salary, bonus or commission received by company partners