Income Tax Return Filing
There are following steps that must be followed for income tax return filing: -
- - See the Heads of Income and decide which type of assessee you are
- - Select return form according to the type of assessee from the list
- - Before filing form pls. read the form carefully
- - Use black ball pen or other as instructed in form
- - There should not be any overwriting on the form
- - Fill name, father's name, date of birth as mentioned in your educational certificates
- - Put signature of authorized person (pls. see the list of authorised signatory) on the form at right place
- - Use your own PAN/TAN/GIR number for filing the income tax return
- - Use correct options/code to show your status in the income tax return form
- - Assessment year must be mentioned on return form clearly. Assessment year is the last financial year for which tax has to pay
- - Mention your all source of income with income amount clearly and correctly
- - Calculate your taxable amount including surcharges and deducting rebate from your income
- - Attached all required documents for getting deduction/ rebate or exemption in tax
- - After filling form pls. recheck that all the information given by you is correct and on proper place
- - Don't give any wrong information in the form
- - Go to income tax department and submit the form to concerning income tax assessing officer
- - File your income tax return before the last date of return filing. Last date for an individual having only salary income is 30th June as well as last date for individual having business income (if auditing not required) is 31st august.