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Father's Day Messages

fathers day

A father is someone who makes our foundation strong thereby imparting the key strength to grow and become the best in life. He is the pillar of strength for each one of us without whom the building cannot stand as sturdily as it stands otherwise.

Father's Day is celebrated to make every father realize that he plays the key role in his children's life. It's the obligation of every son/daughter to bring about smile on his face and make him realize that he has done a tremendously fabulous job taking care of his children.

One of the best ways to start off with celebration of Father's day is to send Father's Day messages after it clicks Twelve in your watch. Here are Messages for Father's day that will be the perfect treat for the occasion.

1. O Dad!! I would never be able to find a way to pay for all that you have done for me. My existence is just because of you. Happy Father's Day

2. I would never be able to find a person in my life! Dad I am all that is, all that I am doing is all because of you.
Happy Father's Day

3. The first step that I learnt to walk in my life was because of you and that was the reason that I have been able to walk so far with dignity and peace. Thank you Dad for all the Love!

4. It may be known to the world as my success but deep inside of me I know that it's you who has been successful in raising his son. I own all my success to you!!

5. I celebrate Father's day as a way of reminding my father that all that he has done would not have been possible without him. I Love you Dad from all my heart and soul!!

6. Whenever there was rain you protected me, whenever there was Sun you brought that shade of love for me. Today on father's Day I want to promise you that whatever happens, I will always be there for you! Happy Father's Day!

7. You have always stood at my back in all my endeavors and that has always been the most significant ingredient in my life. Love you Dad!!

8. I have learnt everything from my father that has made me a civilized man today!!

9. All that I am today, all that I can speak today, all that I can understand today, it all because of my father. He has made me somebody who can stand proudly and speak loudly!!

10. Your affection, it has brought perfection!! I rejoice the fact that I am born as your daughter. Happy Father's Day Dad!!

11. I may not have gathered the strength to be what I am today had you not been there. The lessons that I have learn from you are incredible.

12. I Wonder where did you learn all those amazing lessons, I tried but, I could not find any of them in the books that I have read. Happy Father's Day!!

13. My father was my super hero; I could not find a man like him! I want to learn the art of living that he was used to follow.

14. A father is that ladder, who helps us to climb the high roof of success and spreads its parts to climb to upper most part of the building. I want to be his leader of strength when he grows old! Thank you Dad!!

15. Whenever I was in doubt, you were there, whenever I was in pain, you were there, whenever I needed someone's shoulder to cry on, you were there! Thank you Dad for always being there!