SurfIndia has a catalog of the top-rated Hotels & Resorts services in Mumbai. You can find a wide range of choices, including beach view hotels, sumptuous hotels with swimming pools & a gym, or a low budget night stay; everything is available in SurfIndia. Make your travel safe and comfortable with SurfIndia at a reasonable price. The hotels listed on the sites are safe, reliable, neat, and clean to make your trip memorable. The staff will be friendly and take care of your requirements very efficiently.
Points to remember before booking a hotel in Mumbai
1. Location- Whenever you are looking for a hotel, you must take a look at the site of the hotel you select. It should be located in a suitable site in the city with good transport facilities. If you go for a cheap hotel with low connectivity, it will add to your budget and cause inconvenience.
2. Comparing the rates- Check the price of the hotels and compare them first. Choose the one that offers many facilities within your budget. Check whether it provides any free meal service as it will save your money.
3. Free meals- Some hotels offer free meals or breakfast to their customers. You can try to find out such hotels as this will cut your extra cost for restaurants, and you can spend more on your fun activities.
4. Check-in and check- out time- hotels & resorts have their check-in and check-out time. Know about the timings of the hotel and make sure it is according to your timing so that you don't get troubled at the last moment.
5. Go through ratings and reviews- Check the ratings and reviews of the previous customers to know the services of the hotels. You will knowledge about the management system of the hotels.
6. Examine the photos- If you want to make sure whether the rooms are as per your expectation, you can go through the photos uploaded by the customers. As the clients take these photos, it is more reliable than any other source.
7. Security- You should check whether there is a CCTV camera on the hotels, guards, and gates available for safety purposes. Also, look for fire exits and extinguishers in case of emergency.
8. Parking area- If you are traveling in your vehicle, make sure the hotel or Resort you book has a safe parking area for your car. Talk to the staff about charges for the parking facility, if any.
9. Age requirement- Some hotels allow only people of 18+ age to stay in the hotel, so you should ensure that you ask the hotel about any such provision. Especially in case you are an unmarried couple, you should have identity proof with your DOB showing that you are 18+.
10. Free wifi- Many hotels offer free wifi service to their customer. Check for the free wifi in the hotel you book. Your networks may not be available in the new place, so to be connected with your loved ones, wifi would be necessary.
11. Payment policy- Some hotels take a small amount of advance, while you may have to pay the total amount beforehand for others. Try to get the hotel in which you don't need to pay the whole amount beforehand. Also, check the payment method available ahead of time.
12. Cancellation policy- When you are booking in advance, make sure to check about the hotel's cancellation policy if your travel is canceled due to any reason so that you don't regret it later.
Hotel & Resort charges in Mumbai
The charges of Hotel in Mumbai are as follows:
Persons | Budget Hotels (Rs.) | Luxury Hotels (Rs.) | Resorts (Rs.) |
Room for one person | 450 - 1400 | 1000 - 4000 | 1500 - 4000 |
Room for Couple | 700 -2000 | 2000 - 6000 | 2000 - 5000 |
Room for family of four | 1500 - 5000 | 6000 - 17000 | 3000 - 10000 |