surf india

Mandua ki Roti

mandua ki roti

In the vast array of Indian chapatis 'Mandua Ki Roti' or Mandua Chapati is one. The simple chapati, made with mixture of mandua floor and wheat floor, tastes delicious with local dishes. Note that Mandua is special type of cereal found only in Garhwal and Kumaon region in Uttarakhand state of India.
Many people think of indigenous hilly dishes as bland. However employing simple methods doesn't seriously mean that the dish would not be tasty. Savour 'Mandua Ki Roti' if you want to testify this.


  • - 300 gm: Mandua flour (A type of cereal available only in Garhwal and Kumaon region)
  • - 200gm: Wheat Flour
  • - Water as required


  • - Mix mandua flour and wheat flour well. Prepare stiff dough with water.
  • - Divided into even sized balls and roll out into chapaties. Heat the griddle and cook chapati both sides on the fire.
  • - Ensure that the chapaties have been cooked well.
  • - Serve with milk and lots of white butter, ghee or craft cheese.