SurfIndia Recipes channel has put forth all Indian cuisines by name in alphabetical order. Click on the dish and get complete information about the ingredients of the food as well as the method of preparing. Avail this detailed food guide, A to Z recipes by alphabet name, to make mouthwatering dishes in your kitchen.
Indian cuisine is ranked among the finest cuisines in the world. It is known for astounding variety and various regions of India have their own cooking styles. Famous regional cuisines of India include those of Goa, Kashmir, Kerala, Mumbai, Punjab and Tamil Nadu. Given below is brief info about striking features of Indian cuisine
Spices are integral part of Indian cuisines. The spices lend the dishes an enticing aroma. The North Indians prefer to use powdered spice mixtures available in packets while the South Indians like using freshly prepared spice and herb mixtures. Onions and garlics are used by the northerners as seasoning agents, while the southerners employ tamarind.
South Indians like to consume sauches with thinner texture, while the North Indians use thicker sauces. Breads are the base diets of north India and they taste better with thick sauces. Rice is the staple diet in south India and easily absorbs the thin sauce.
Main cooking medium in North India is oil derived from mustard seeds. Ghee, derived from butter, is also a popular traditional medium. Coconut oil dominates in Kerala, while in other southern states, oil drawn from sunflower and other seeds rule.